<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Response.expires = 0 Response.expiresabsolute = Now() - 1 Response.addHeader "pragma", "no-cache" Response.addHeader "cache-control", "private" Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" %> 上海达永快餐服务有限公司 - Tel:(86)-21-57601415
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<% dim rs dim sql dim page Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") sql = "Select * FROM book Order By id Desc" rs.open sql,conn,1,1 If Rs.BOF or Rs.EOF Then Rs.Close Set Rs = Nothing Response.Write "

" %>

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<% Response.End End If '无留言处理完毕 IF not IsNumeric(Request("page")) Or IsEmpty(Request("page")) Then page=1 Else Page=Int(Abs(Request("page"))) End if rs.pagesize = 4'这里可以更改你想每页显示的留言数量 total = rs.RecordCount mypagesize = rs.pagesize rs.absolutepage = page %> <% dim i i=1 do while not rs.eof and mypagesize>0 id=rs("id") name=rs("name") email=rs("email") homepage=rs("homepage") qq=rs("qq") content=rs("content") addtime=rs("addtime") reply=rs("reply") head=rs("head") T_Emot=rs("T_Emot") %> <% mypagesize=mypagesize-1 i=i+1 rs.movenext loop %>
◇◇◇ ◇◇◇ ◇◇◇ ◇◇◇ ◇◇◇ ◇◇◇ ◇◇◇ ◇◇◇ ◇◇◇ ◇◇◇ ◇◇◇ ◇◇◇ ◇◇◇ ◇◇◇ ◇◇◇ ◇◇◇ ◇◇◇ ◇◇◇
",1,-1,0) content=""&content response.write content%>


地址:<%=homepage%>   邮箱    联系方式:<%=qq%>  留言时间:<%=addtime%>
<% if reply<>"没有" then %> <%else%> <%end if%>
 站长回复: <%content=replace(rs("reply"),vbNewline,"
",1,-1,0) content=""&reply response.write reply%>
<%if session("flag")="1" then%> ','_top','') class="input1"> ','_top','') class="input1"> <%end if%>
 共有 <%=total%> 个留言  共 <%=rs.pagecount%> 页  当 前 第 <%=page%> 页  留 言 分 页: <% if page>1 then%> 上一页 <% end if %> <% if rs.pagecount <= 8 then for j=1 to rs.pagecount response.write "["&j&"]" next else for j=1 to 8 response.write "["&j&"] " next response.write "[>>]" end if %> <% if page 下一页 <% end if %>
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<% Rs.Close Set Rs = Nothing %>